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The aim of the study was to assess the potential of nuclear imaging for long-term results assessment in myocardial infarction (MI) surgical treatment. 35 patients were included in the study: the main group (n = 15) of patients underwent bypass surgery in 3-4 weeks after MI, and the control group (n = 20) with conventional conservative MI treatment. Radionuclide angiopulmonography and radionuclide ECG-synchronized ventriculography was performed in all the patients in 1 month, 6 months, and 12 months after MI.

Scintigraphic markers of post-operative complications were the following: (1) prolongation of minimal pulmonary circulation time 1 month after operation followed by (2) right chamber passage prolongation and (3) ejection fraction decrease. Stability of the mentioned parameters can serve as a predictor of smooth postoperative course. Feebleness of pulmonary circulation occurs earlier that the ejection fraction decrease, so it can be mentioned among the earliest symptoms of heart failure in patients with MI.




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The authors present a new method of vascular stapling based on shape memory alloy — nitinol. The stapling device can be used for proximal and distal coronary anasthomoses in port-access coronary bypass grafting. Experimental use of the new stapler (Endogene Pty. Ltd., Australia) presented in live animal model. Attention was paid to reliability of staples discharge and release, ring formation and suture timing, vessel patency, and freedom of thrombosis and bleeding at the anastomosis site.



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